International Duet-Symposium on Ceramics

This project was organized by the Azerbaijan Ceramics Center with the support of the Arts Council Azerbaijan. Given the rich historical traditions of Azerbaijan, as well as the urgent need to popularize our ancient craft of ceramics – since only autochthonous peoples have been making ceramics based on local clays for centuries. The purpose of such a duet of the symposium is to exchange experience and study the works in the field of ceramics by masters from different countries.
. At the same time, it is necessary to show the ancient traditions of ceramics of our country, especially since Azerbaijan ranks first in the world in terms of the palette of clays, as well as in the number of mud volcanoes. It is possible to perform sculptural works from ceramics in various types, genres, using classical and avant-garde methods.
Well-known professional ceramic artists from various countries of the world and the CIS are invited to participate in duet symposiums. Based on the works of the duet of symposiums, a collection of works of contemporary art in various types and genres will be created.